Gendai Reiki Berlin​

Ikue Maekawa

photo: © Sebastian Stiller

When your source, your soul, experiences a resonance with the universe. 

It is the encounter with your true nature.

There is no you but only consciousness and energy.

Nurture them and establish your perspective. All the creation that comes out of them attracts us sincerely.
Because it is the truth, it is the real.

It’s time to remember that you are the true creator.

Be aware of your mind fitness

In a world where we are bombarded with information on everything from body care at the gym, cosmetics and skincare, maintaining the outside of our bodies has become a top priority. The mind, the heart, tends to be an afterthought. But the truth is that it’s what’s on the inside that’s really important. The reason for this is that it is what we say, do and think on a daily basis that determines our lives, and it is what we create from our minds and hearts. 

In addition to physical fitness for body maintenance, mind fitness is a way of working directly with your inner self to improve your mental health.

In 2021 we are entering an era of diversified values. Your life belongs to you. Everything is up to you. It will become more and more important to live according to what you feel and what you think. It may be time to end the conventional way of life and choose your own way. We need to be more sensitive to our own senses, but the senses that we are not used to feel are dulled and do not respond when the time comes. It’s like being handed the baton in a relay and suddenly your legs are too tangled to run as fast as you want. In other words, you have an opportunity in front of you, but you don’t recognise it.

To learn the Reiki-ho, which is a method to actively create your life so that you do not live an unwanted life, means to learn how to live on your own terms and to become the creator of your own life.

Feed backs

Here are some feed backs from some of the participants who participated Gendai Reiki Berlin Workshops & Sessions.

photo: © Sigel Leicht

Ikue Maekawa – Gendai Reiki Teacher

Ikue Maekawa (Gendai Reiki Berlin Representative) — photo:© Sebastian Stiller

About me

A survival Reiki Master from across the sea, who continue life’s journey in search of experiences. 

After graduating from a college in Japan, I studied textiles at a fashion college. I then spent my twenties working in the fashion industry, priarily for Prada and Christian Dior. I left Japan at the age of 30 to escape the material world. I made a pilgrimage to Europe and Morocco as a traveller, visiting the world’s trance festivals. Although I didn’t complete my pilgrimage, I was intrigued by the changes in my consciousness that emerged as I spent time in nature, and developed a fascination for the spiritual world that began with yoga in Australia and India. After a number of magical experiences, I returned to Japan two years later and spent three months in Zen practice at a Zen monastery. It was during this time that I experienced my first Reiki session by chance.

 I got married in 2009 and moved to Germany to be with my husband. The unfamiliarity of living in Europe and the relationship with my partner left me physically and mentally exhausted and unwell. After experiencing these hardships, I felt that I would not be able to continue with my life, yes, I was horribly depressed. But somehow I trusted that Reiki would help me, so I knocked the door of a German Reiki master based in the Lada district of Tibet, and received a first attunement from him. I was amazed by the changes in my spirituality, my mind and my physical and mental well-being that occurred during the practice, and decided to become a Master. However, I had no idea who could teach me how to do this. After a while I met a German acquaintance by chance in a town where I was used to live. He told me that he was a Reiki practitioner and he had a Japanese book, “The Modern Reiki Method of Healing”, which led me to meet its author, Hiroshi Doi Sensei ( Sensei = Master or Teacher in Japanese ).

In 2011 I was certified as a Gendai Reiki Master and received energy transmission from Doi Sensei in Denmark, and in 2015 I worked as an interpreter for him at the Reiki International Gathering in Spain. In the same year I started my project as a Gendai Reiki Master based in Berlin, trying collaboration experimenting with other genres such as yoga teachers, artists and musicians, as following my heart. I am now active not only in Germany but also in Europe and travels to Japan once a year to receive teachings from Doi Sensei.
